Our mission is to restore, maintain and improve Ohio's rivers and streams, their water quality, scenic beauty, their multiple economic uses, and their effect upon Ohio's quality of life.
Rivers Unlimited accomplishes this mission by engaging citizens and organizations in direct action such as water quality monitoring, stream cleanups, and influencing public policy at the local, state, and national levels.
Volunteers are essential to RU success. Volunteering across all of our programs is an enjoyable and rewarding experience. Join us for our next water quality monitoring or stream cleanup and see for yourself.
Rivers Unlimited's most important asset is our people. Become a member today!
What's Happening...
Contact Us to support clean water from your neighborhood creek to the Gulf of Mexico.
Second Saturdays March - November
Great Miami
Water Quality Monitoring
Click on the topics below for more information:
About Citizens' Water Quality Moniotirng
Volunteer Information
Training Videos
Lab: UC Center for Field Studies
11053 Oxford Road, 45030
9:00 - 11:00: volunteers drop off samples at the lab
10:30 - 12:30: lab volunteers analyze samples
Urban Stream Adventures
Join us for an Urban Stream Adventure on the Mill Creek. Brought to you by the MIll Creek Yacht Club and supported by Rivers Unlimited and the Mill Creek Alliance.
Paddling the Mill Creek provides a perspective on the city that you just can't find anywhere else.
Rivers Unlimited provides canoes, gear and water guides.
MCYC Cleanup
Mill Creek Yacht Club Cleanups
The RU Canoe Crew is providing boats, gear and expertise to the Mill Creek Yacht Club.
Help the Mill Creek Yacht Club, Rivers Unlimited, and the Mill Creek Alliance clean up this lively little riparian corridor through Cincinnati and help maintain the beauty and resurgance of this once severely impaired waterway.
Winton Lake Cleanups
Stay tuned for information on Winton Lake Cleanup Events in 2023
Winton Woods Park
6:00 - 8:00pm
10245 Winton Road
Cincinnati, OH 45231
Look for a trailer of canoes in the north parking lot.